Our time is quickly passing as we get ready for our next chapter in our lives. We have loved spending our last three years in Japan and having the opportunity to visit various places such as China and Thailand. We are moving to South Carolina. We are going to miss so many things about Japan that I don't think I have enough time to list all of them. I am happy we had this opportunity to come to Japan and get a taste of world travel. I hope we are given many more opportunities to travel the world. We hope to come back and visit our beloved Japan. We may come in for a quick shinkansen ride to grab some of our favorite bites to eat. Tonight we had sushi and I know that it will not be the same in the USA.
I also have started my own "Where is Slyly?" It is similar to the knome idea of placing him in spots around the world. Slyly is the mascot for the Carps team and I thought it would be cool to keep him with us as we travel. It will not only remind us of our great times in Japan but we can connect the Carps with our travels. You can follow his photographs on
Facebook. Just click on the link and it should take you directly to my album on facebook.
Maybe I will be a better blogger when I get back to the USA. :)